Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Where to Find Argument Essay Topics for Middle School
Where to Find Argument Essay Topics for Middle School School should occur in the evenings. College is for a high degree of study. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about a coming deadline. They should be allowed to pray in school. The very first sentence of the essay has to be interesting enough to create the reader read on. Racial slurs ought to be illegal. Deciding on an emotional topic is also an excellent idea. Deciding upon an argumentative topic isn't that easy. Everything that is actually crucial for creating your paper successful is to convince your intended audience on the ground of your private opinion. People in demand of case study research should rush to appreciate our assistance. Women in the film are unwavering and prepared to provide their precious aid in a dire circumstance. When you submit your purchase, we start searching for the ideal writer to finish your assignment based on your requirements. It is very important to begin with demonstrating the most important idea of the entire piece so you and your readers are going to be on the identical page. To accomplish a compelling subject, you want to center on a single issue instead of using several thoughts which have a tendency to confuse the reader. If you're a homeschooler, make an exhaustive collection of the regions where you think your young writer demands the most help. After picking your subject, you must have the five varieties of arguments at the rear of your head throughout your writing. Everyone requires some strong ideas that can be linked with your idea, that's why you will need to hook examples together with theoretical ones. Afterwards, you must explain the factors for which you support that side. You have to give three or more reasons to get your side of the argument well-grounded and weighty. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the standard school year. Year round school isn't a good idea. As with any other facility, keeping a school open needs a whole lot of money. Some schools in the USA are requiring that students volunteer for a number of hours each semester to aid on a community issue. The Fight Against Argument Essay Topics for Middle School If you don't find out how to begin your essay or where to search for supporting data, we'll be happy to help you. When you choose a topic, you have to react to the query and substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. So ensure that you decide on a subject, which has values in it. You will likely find a different and terrific topic you will love to write about. The more research you can do in order to secure better at your upcoming profession, the better. In most instances, your lecturers may select the topic for you already. Before students may acquire creative with their writing, make certain they can structure their arguments. To write a fantastic argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, allowing them to make an educated stance. Also, there's no evidence of higher test scores. Consequently, you're bound to acquire low scores. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory over a particular age. They should be mandatory for the first five years after getting a license. Finding the most suitable arguments will allow you to prove your point and win. If you get a valid issue and you may offer sufficient arguments on it, then go with this. It's essential not just to supply the evidence to strengthen your position but also to refute that of your opponents. You have to come across decent evidence to back up your ideas in addition to examples to illustrate the evidence.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Installed Capacity of Electricity Generation by Fuel Type Statistics Project
Essays on Installed Capacity of Electricity Generation by Fuel Type Statistics Project The paper â€Å"Installed Capacity of Electricity Generation by Fuel Type†is a  meaningful version of statistics project on technology. Electricity generation is the process of converting non-electrical energy into electricity. For electric utilities, it is the first process in the delivery of electricity to consumers. The other processes are normally carried out by the electrical power industry. Electricity is most often generated at a power station by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by chemical combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. There are many other technologies that can be and are used to generate electricity such as solar photovoltaic and geothermal power.The World net electricity generation nearly doubles in the reference case, from 17.3 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2005 to 24.4 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2015 and 33.3 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2030. In genera l, growth in the OECD countries, where electricity markets are well established and consuming patterns are mature, is slower than in the non-OECD countries, where a large amount of demand remains unsatisfied. The International Energy Agency has estimated that nearly 32 percent of the population in the developing non-OECD countries (excluding non-OECD Europe and Eurasia) do not yet have access to electricityâ€â€a total of about 1.6 billion people. With the strong economic growth projected for the developing non-OECD nations, substantial increases in electricity generation will be needed to meet demand in the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Although the non-OECD nations consumed 24 percent less electricity than the OECD nations in 2005, total non-OECD electricity generation in 2030 is projected to exceed the OECD generation by 46 percent. In developing countries, strong economic growth translates to a growing demand for electricity. Increases in per capita i ncome lead to improved standards of living, rising consumer demand for lighting and appliances, and growing requirements for electricity in the industrial sector. As a result, total non-OECD electricity generation(The figure has been taken from International Energy Outlook 2008)Electricity generation in the nations of OECD EuropeElectricity generation in the nations of OECD Europe increases by an average of 1.4 percent per year in the IEO2008 Reference case, from 3.3 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2005 to 4.0 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2015 and 4.7 trillion kilowatt-hours in 2030. Because most of the OECD Europe countries have relatively stable populations and mature electricity markets, most of the growth in electricity demand is projected to come from those with more robust population growth (including Turkey, Ireland, and Spain) and from the newest OECD members (including the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland), whose economic growth rates exceed the OECD average through the project ion period. (The figure has been taken from International Energy Outlook 2008)Net electricity generation in the Middle EastDespite short-term supply issues in some Middle Eastern countries, natural gas is expected to remain the region’s largest source of energy for electricity generation throughout the projection (Figure 63). In 2005, natural-gas-fired generation accounted for 56 percent of the Middle East region’s total power supply. In 2030, the natural gas share is projected to be 65 percent, as the petroleum share of generation falls over the projection period. Petroleum is a valuable export commodity for many nations of the Middle East, and there is increasing interest in the use of domestic natural gas for electricity generation in order to make more oil assets available for export.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Multimedia Design & Web Page
Question: Discuss about the Webpage and Multimedia Design? Answer: Introduction This website is about me and my career history. This website has below pages: Home About Education Career Gallery Blog Contact FAQ SiteMAP Compatibility, Website is compitable with below Browsers: Internet Explorer Chorme Mozila Screenshots Home Page: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data About: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data Education: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data Career: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data Gallery: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data Blog: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data Contact: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data FAQ: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data Sitemap: Put Screenshot after made changes to current page with your data
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Literary Terms Figurative Language Essay Example
Literary Terms Figurative Language Paper literal language language that means exactly what it says figurative language writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally (same as figure of speech) figure of speech A word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of another and is not meant to be taken on a literal level simile comparison using like or as metaphor a comparison of two unlike things without using the word like or as. extended metaphor a metaphor which extends over several lines or an entire poem conceit extended metaphor hyperbole an extreme exaggeration personification giving human qualities to animals or objects irony the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning verbal irony occurs when what is said contradicts what is meant or thought, The contrast between what is said and what is actually meant. irony of situation this refers to a happening that is the opposite of what is expected or intended (same as situational irony) dramatic irony In this type of irony, facts or events are unknown to a character in a play or a piece of fiction but known to the reader, audience, or other characters in the work euphemism a mild, indirect, or vague term substituting for a harsh, blunt, or offensive term apostrophe a figure of speech in which one directly addresses an absent or imaginary person, or some abstraction metonymy a figure of speech that uses the name of an object, person, or idea to represent something with which it is associated, such as using the crown to refer to a monarch ; Also, The pen is mightier than the sword. antithesis a statement in which two opposing ideas are balanced synecdoche a figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole or the whole for a part idiom An expression that cannot be understood if taken literally (ex- Get your head out of the clouds). symbolism A device in literature where an object represents an idea. oxymoron a figure of speech consisting of two apparently contradictory terms paradox A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. cliche a worn-out idea or overused expression
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
healthcare industry analysis essays
healthcare industry analysis essays Optivus was formed in 1993 by the principal engineering team who designed Loma Linda's Proton Center. Optivus has since designed and implemented numerous enhancements, which have increased the variety of treatment sites and the number of patients that can be treated daily. Otivus Technology is an ISO Certified organization that designs, manufactures, and markets hospital-based proton beam therapy systems used in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. When Loma Linda University Medical Center (LLUMC) built the world's first hospital-based Proton Treatment Center they assembled an in-house team of highly skilled engineers to lead and manage the complete integration of all the highly specialized technologies. The project was successful and fully commissioned in 1993. The same year, the LLUMC engineering team spun-off and formed Optivus. (Optivus, 2004). Currently the company is facing problems in selling their facility. This report studies the reasons for the failure and recomm ends how to address the issue to maintain a steady growth in the future. The healthcare industry consist of companies that develop, manufacture, market, or distribute health-related products or provide health care services, such as hospitals, nursing homes, HMOs, medical product suppliers, medical equipment and medical device makers, and medical laboratories. Healthcare industry consists of 2 main sub categories. They are healthcare products and healthcare services. (Hoovers, 2004). Health Care Products constitute companies involved in: Medical Equipment Medical Products Distribution Health Care Services constitute companies involved in: Medical Laboratories Medical Practice Management Prescription Benefits Management Specialized Health Care Services. (Hoovers, 2004). In this analysis we focus more on the medical device sub category and medical treatment ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Its All About Accuracy
Its All About Accuracy It’s All About Accuracy It’s All About Accuracy By Mark Nichol During my editing career, I’ve corrected some significant factual errors in manuscripts before they were published mistakes that would have compromised the authority of a book or a magazine or newspaper article, or at least embarrassed its author. (Aw, shucks, don’t mention it it’s my job.) I’ve also probably overlooked a few. And I’ve introduced some in my own writing: In one book review, I identified the author by the wrong first name. In another, I gave Canis domesticus as the scientific name for the dog. (It’s Canis familiaris, or Canis familiaris domesticus, or Canis lupus familiaris.) In a recent post, I relied on my very limited knowledge of French to address a comment to mon amis, rather than to mes amis. (My editor caught the two book-review errors, and a few of this site’s readers called me on the friendly faux pas, as some have done with other infelicities of mine.) So it is as a sympathetic peer, not as a sneering superior, that I entreat you to practice due diligence in optimizing the accuracy of your writing. Analyze Your Errors Do you consistently make the same types of errors? Misspelling of people’s names? Erroneous wording of lengthy job titles or organizational names? Math mistakes? Record and tally your errors, and resolve to triple-check every instance in your problem area(s). And don’t rely on the popular media for this information. Go to the source an individual’s or organization’s website or to a respected reference work. If you are math challenged, consult with a computationally adept ally. Keep a Checklist For every article or blog post or other piece of content you write, produce a checklist from a master template you keep on your computer or in your hard-copy files. On this list, direct yourself to check names and titles of people, names and locations of places, URLs, numbers and math, and definitions and explanations. Verify quotes, and check for spelling and grammar errors (and for spell-checking errors). When you interview or consult with someone, ask them to spell their personal information. (My surname is the least common of several variants, so I always spell it out over the phone without prompting. Many people with unusually spelled names do the same, but a surprising number don’t.) Confirm all other details and information with objective resources. Keep track of Web links and other access to information. And especially if you’re writing about recondite or controversial topics, ask people you interview to identify situations in which other writers introduced errors into their articles so that you can avoid passing fumbled facts along. Delete Your Ego How many of you have read an article about something you have inside knowledge about and noticed factual errors? I know I have. Understand that accuracy in reporting is a problem endemic to professional and amateur writing alike. But determine to be someone who does something about it. Acknowledge and correct your errors. If your sources are unreliable (facts or findings contradict the prevailing understanding) or subjective (an expert spins facts to support their viewpoint), jettison them and obtain more reliable ones. Always verify. (Follow the time-honored warning to reporters: â€Å"If your mother says she loves you, check it out.†) And cultivate your skepticism; don’t let impressive job titles or institutional names or other trappings of infallibility distract you from seeking the truth. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph Examples50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and FingersPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Gold Rush - Different Racial Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Gold Rush - Different Racial Groups - Essay Example by white, non-English-speaking Europeans, and then, in a descending order, men and women whose skin became progressively darker and habits progressively different from the white man’s: the Mexicans, the Indians, the Chinese. Without much thought or effort on their part, Anglo men established their dominance over California by systematically asserting themselves over others. Of course, the major motivation of those in California at this time was the desire to strike it rich. Although some people did just this, there was only a finite amount of wealth to be uncovered, leaving most men few options for increasing their status. Racism, codifying the differences between themselves and others, was one way to raise perceived power in a landscape where men were often at odds with, and at the mercy of, an environment over which they had very little control. Roaring Camp: The Social World of the California Gold Rush by Susan Lee Johnson, demonstrates how life was different for white men, and how they acted to maintain their superiority in California. Theirs was a world where status had already been shaken up. Due to the scarcity of white women and the need for some means of support, many men found themselves employed in positions that back east would only have gone to girls. They eased the stigma of such labor by assuring themselves that such work was still manly, and by setting themselves above those of other races and cultures. They categorized the French as â€Å"dainty (small, little, diminutive)†(Johnson 118). Mexican men were seen as â€Å"‘lazy Greasers’ in ‘dirty Zerapes’†(Johnson 123) while Mexican women existed solely for the purpose of cooking and being ogled. Native Americans were afforded even less respect, and white men could murder them with impunity, with their killers â€Å"posing as heroes†(Bibby 54). â€Å"Systematic harassment†(Johnson 125) of the Chinese forced some men out of the mines, where white men wanted to work. Language was an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Salvador Dalis The Persistence of Memory and its Description Essay
Salvador Dalis The Persistence of Memory and its Description - Essay Example I would like to apply this knowledge to Dali’s The Persistence of Memory. There are certain elements of art and at the same time certain principles of design that depict this artwork as being one of the strongest examples of Surrealism. It is said that the idea for this painting occurred to Dali upon noting the melting of cheese, and he got the remaining elements in a dream. One interpretation could be that the use of melting watches as the subject matter indicates that Salvador Dali in this work used these objects as a reminder to the viewer that time is always fleeting and it is slipping away from us even as we speak or view the painting. At the same time, the clock literally is a very clear illustration of the time gone by which tells us of things that we cannot get back anymore or perhaps gives the notion of fleeting objects. At the same time, the use of a clock metaphorically can be attributed to our memories. Another interpretation that has been suggested is that this work shows the irrelevance of time while we sleep compared to our preoccupation with it during our waking hours. It is said that Dali painted this work in an era of his life in which he was influenced by Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theories about memory and the interpretation of dreams (Dali et al). It is not difficult to imagine the artist’s concept of a dreamlike state of time and memory being depicted through this painting. One can also relate this painting to the function of recall in memory- there are fleeting glimpses or feelings of having met someone before upon crossing them in the street and suddenly it all connects and the memory solidifies and becomes clear a bit later. Another oddity that can be pointed out is that while nearly all the clocks are shown melting away, the orange one on the extreme left of the wooden block is the only one that retains its shape. It is seen that ants have selected the center of it as a focal point of sorts. Perhaps this is depicting our preoccupation with time during our waking hours by the artist.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
In the novel of Mice and Men show how Steinbeck represents the theme of loneliness Essay Example for Free
In the novel of Mice and Men show how Steinbeck represents the theme of loneliness Essay The name of the author of this novel is John Steinbeck. He wrote this novel in 1936 and it was published in 1937. The novel is set in a ranch, which is near the town of Soledad, California. Steinbeck got the name for his novel from a poem by Robert Burns called To a mouse, on turning her up in her nest with the plough. At the time this novel was written America was in the period of the Great Depression. This meant people could not find many permanent jobs and so had to travel around the country looking for work. This meant that the workers were sometimes away from their families for a long time and had to travel alone just to try make some money. This was a very bad period in the American history with a high rate of suicide and many people got bankrupt. Usually the workers would stay in a job for a few weeks after which they would travel to find another job, this meant they did not have much time to make friends and so often were very lonely. The main characters in of Mice and Men are George and Lennie. The story is based around them and their time at the ranch. Some of the other important characters are Slim, Curly, Curlys wife and Candy. This novel has many themes in it which include loneliness, the dreams of the workers and also apartheid and sexism. Some of the characters who are lonely are Curlys wife and Crooks. These two are lonely because first of all Crooks is as Black person and at the time Black people did not have the same rights as White people. This meant that Crooks had no one to talk to and usually had to spend time by himself. After a while of spending time completely on his own Crooks thinks that he could be going crazy and he really wants some company. I know this because in chapter four Crooks is talking to Lennie and he say, I seen things out here. I wasnt drunk. I dont know if I was asleep. If some guy was with me, he could tell me I was asleep, an then it would be all right. But I just dont know. This shows that Crooks has been on his own for too long, and now he is not even sure of what is real and what is not. Crooks does not have any dreams because he has been at the ranch for a long time and has seen many peoples dreams destroyed. Another person who is lonely is Candys wife. She is lonely because she is a woman and so none of the men really talk to her. Also because she is the only woman on the ranch she has no other women to talk to either. This means she gets very lonely, however she does try talk to the men sometimes, but this has a bad affect. This is because the men think she is some type of whore or a slut who is trying to manipulate or use them in some way. This is unfair on Curlys wife because they do not know her and all she wants is some company. Also Curlys wife is from the city and so does not know how to do the ranch work and so she usually has to stay in the house on her own. Candy does not like Curlys wife because he thinks she is a tart. The ranch in the novel is near a town called Soledad, however because there are no buildings or people very close to the ranch itself, people inside only have each other to talk to and because Curlys wife is the only female she has no one to talk to and so feels isolated. This is also the case for Crooks because he is the only Black person on the ranch. In the novel, George is a migrant worker who has been traveling around America doing odd jobs with his fellow companion Lennie. George is a small man with small strong hands, dark face and sharp restless eyes. From his description I can see that George is a clever and careful character. Lennie on the other hand is a big man with large pale eyes, and sloping shoulders. His movement had a bear like quality and the way he is described in the novel makes him sound like an animal. George and Lennie travel together because they are friends and have known each other a long time. Also it would be better then traveling alone, because they would have no other companions and so would be lonely. At the start of the novel George and Lennie are in a natural clearing a few miles away from the ranch. They have not got any money because they had to buy bus tickets and had to flee the last town because Lennie got into trouble. George and Lennie have a good friendship but at times it seems that it is a relationship between and father and son. George seems to take the roll of the father and Lennie the son. Even though George complains about Lennie and says that he would be much better off without Lennie, he still needs Lennie for companionship. I know this because in chapter one George says, God a mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job a job an work, an no trouble. This shows that George sometimes does wish he is alone because Lennie is sometimes just too much trouble and he thinks that if he didnt have to look after Lennie then he wouldnt have all this money trouble. Although, even though he sometimes wishes that Lennie wasnt around he knows that he couldnt live without him. I know this because when Lennie tells George that he can leave if George wants him to and says he can go live in the hills. George apologizes to Lennie for shouting at him and tells him to stay with him. George and Lennie both share a dream. Their dream is to own a piece of their own land where they can live and feed themselves. This is the American dream. For George and Lennie the dream makes them think they are different to the other workers. George tells Lennie how most workers make some money then spend it all in some brothel or bar He then tells Lennie how they are different. He tells him how they have each other and they have a dream that they are working towards. For George and Lennie their dream is very important because it is a way they are getting through life. The dream gives them hope, and that is one human feature that always seems to make people believe that everything will be ok and they will be happy. John Steinbeck shows that their dream is an ideal because it is just too perfect. The dream is about George and Lennie having their own land on which they will have rabbits, a cow and grow vegetables. Also the ways Lennie describes the rabbits shows that it is just a fantasy. He says they will be all different colours, like yellow and green. The readers know that this is impossible and yet they sympathize with Lennie because of his child like innocence. In chapter four George is with the rest of the men at a brothel called Susys. Even though they have gone there to get some relief after the long day they have had, it is quite hypocritical of George to be going to this brothel because he says that he is not one of the men who just goes there and spends all his money. Although we are not told if he does spend any money there it is quite likely he does spend some. This means he is being a hypocrite. In chapter four Lennie goes into Crooks room without being invited. In this chapter Lennie is in Crooks control and when Crooks starts telling Lennie that George has left him and wont come back Lennie believes him and then gets angry. Crooks calms him down because Lennie can be very dangerous when he gets angry or upset. After a while Candy comes in and he and Lennie start telling Crooks about their dream and how it will come true. Even though George told them not to tell anyone they tell Crooks anyway because he is Black and they think it wont matter if he knows. Candy is an old man who has been at the ranch for a long time. He has been allowed to stay there because his hand was cut off in one of the machines at the ranch. At the ranch he works as a floor sweeper. Candy is lonely because he is considered just to be an old man and none of the workers really talk to him that much. He did have a dog which was very important to him because he was his only companion and he had owned the dog since it was a puppy, unfortunately for him the dog became too old and so had to be shot. Also it hurt him more because he was not able to shoot him and the dog was shot by someone else. Crooks is lonely because he is a Black person and on the ranch he is the only one. They do not let him stay in the barn with the rest of the workers and so he has no one to talk to. He only has his books and they are very important to him because they are a form of companionship. Crooks and Candy are both lonely because they have no one who they can really talk with and make friends with. In chapter four they have been left behind while the rest go to Susys cathouse because Candy is considered to be too old and Crooks is Black and so cannot go into many places. Candy gets involved in George and Lennies dream because after his dog gets shot, Candy over hears George and Lennie talking about it and asks them if he could be apart of it. He says he is willing to pay and pays much more ten both George and Lennie combined. This dream gives Candy new hope and therefore feels livelier. When Crooks first hears about the dream he is quite critical about it but the further he hears about it the more convinced he becomes. However he has seen too many peoples dreams broken and so he says he does not want to be apart of it. Steinbeck shows that without dreams people have no hope and without hope life seems to be worthless. He shows that people need dreams, however farfetched they are, so that they feel they have goals and something to look forward to. Crooks has a more realistic attitude towards dreams, he says in chapter four that dreams get destroyed and it ruins people lives. I can show this because he says, an every damn one of ems got a little piece of land in his head. An never a god-damn one of em ever gets it. This is proof that Crooks is more realistic and he knows how the world works. He knows that people never seem to make their dreams come true. Curlys wife is quite young and beautiful. She is lonely because she has no one to talk to. She married Curly because she was upset with her mother and so does not really love Curly. She is a trophy wife for Curly. In chapter four she is the one in charge of all the misfits. She knows this and so she behaves quite badly and is mean to Crooks. When Crooks tells her to get out she tells him to be quiet or she will get him hanged. She tells him that all she has to do is scream rape and he will be hanged. This shows that Curlys wife also has an evil side. In this novel Steinbeck is sexist to women. He does not even give Curlys wife a name, and makes her look like a tart. Also most of the other characters think she is a bad woman, George gives her names such as jail-bait and tart. Curlys wife also has a dream. Her dream is to become a star and become rich and famous. She is quite gullible, we know this because she tells Lennie about a man telling her he would take her to Hollywood and make her a star, but in reality he just wanted her. Curlys wifes loneliness leads to her to own death because she is so desperate to talk to someone she starts to talk to Lennie. Lennie has a childlike mind and so does not really understand her and they both talk about two different things, but for Curlys wife just being with someone is good enough. She then lets him stroke her hair and when Lennie does not let go, she starts screaming, this makes Lennie confused and frightened and so he suffocates her. The writer has shown loneliness in this novel through the actions the characters take and the things they say. Some of the similarities between the lonely characters are that, that both Crooks and Candy are treated differently. This leads to them wanting to get involved in George and Lennies dream. Also Curlys wife is similar to these two characters because she is a woman, but between the three characters she is the most powerful one. Lennie and Candy are similar because they are both coping with life through their dreams. The writer is saying that loneliness is a curse itself and people react in different ways to it. He is trying to say that humans cannot survive when they are lonely and sometimes can go crazy. The novel of Mice and Men is a tragedy and the writer shows that George and Lennies friendship is doomed from the start. He shows that even though they need each other they will never be successful with their dream. With Lennies death the dream is over for both George and Candy. Without Lennie George will have no companionship and so he will be the same as the rest of the migrant workers. George shot Lennie because even though Lennie did not realize it, he had committed a crime and taken a persons life. George knew that Lennie had gone too far this time and knew that he had no other choice. Also he did not want the others to find him because they would have made him suffer and George would not have been able to see that happen. I think that in some ways he did do the right thing because if he let the others find Lennie they would have put him through trials and tortured him, however maybe he should have let the justice system deal with the case instead of taking matters into his own hands. The theme of loneliness in this novel is a very good reflection of the social and economic settings of the 1930s. I think this because many of the issues it covers are typical of the 1930s, such as racism and sexism.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Prayer in William Faulkners Light in August Essay example -- Light in
   "I decline to accept the end of man...I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance." -William Faulkner, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, 1949       William Faulkner illustrates many dimensions of prayer in Light in August: his characters avoid it, abuse it, embrace it, and blame it. In every case, Faulkner portrays prayer's power on the psyche. His fictional world seems Godless, yet his characters' struggle to prevail through prayer. Joanna Burden, Gail Hightower, and Joe Christmas exemplify three different approaches to prayer. Joanna turns toward prayer shortly before she is murdered; Hightower turns from it and finally feels liberated before his symbolic death; and Christmas, who is murdered in the end, prays throughout the novel. In comparing these three, Faulkner rejects pompous prayers and advocates for authenticity. Faulkner suggests that it is better to avoid prayer altogether, like Lena Grove, the happy pagan, than to be stunted by false prayer, like Hightower. To highlight these extremes, Faulkner fuses his novel with tensions between Judeo-Christianity and paganism, filling his charact ers with an urge to somehow find something permanent.       First, Joanna wrestles with her faith, but her shift toward prayer brings pride and prejudice. Faulkner's first mention of prayer in reference to Joanna actually comes through Joe: he observes her longing to meet God on her own terms and her struggle to do so: "She wants to prays, but she don't know how to do that either" (Faulkner 261). Faulkner inten... ...Black and White. New York: Twayne, 1992. Brooks, Cleanth. ‘Faulkner’s Vision of Good and Evil.’ Religious Perspectives in Faulkner’s Fiction. Ed. J. Robert Barth. Notre Dame: Notre Dame P, 1972. 57-87. Faulkner, William. Light in August. New York: Book of the Month Club, 1997. Fowler Doreen, Abadie Ann  Faulkner and Popular Culture. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1990. Kazin, Alfred. "The Stillness of Light in August". William Faulkner: Three Decades of Criticism. Eds. Frederick J. Hoffman and Olga W. Vickery. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1960. Porter, Carolyn. William Faulkner: Lives and Legacies. Oxford University Press. 2007. Print. Tuck, Dorothy. Crowell’s Handbook of Faulkner. New York; Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1964 Waggoner, Hyatt H. William Faulkner: From Jefferson to the World. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1966. Prayer in William Faulkner's Light in August Essay example -- Light in    "I decline to accept the end of man...I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance." -William Faulkner, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, 1949       William Faulkner illustrates many dimensions of prayer in Light in August: his characters avoid it, abuse it, embrace it, and blame it. In every case, Faulkner portrays prayer's power on the psyche. His fictional world seems Godless, yet his characters' struggle to prevail through prayer. Joanna Burden, Gail Hightower, and Joe Christmas exemplify three different approaches to prayer. Joanna turns toward prayer shortly before she is murdered; Hightower turns from it and finally feels liberated before his symbolic death; and Christmas, who is murdered in the end, prays throughout the novel. In comparing these three, Faulkner rejects pompous prayers and advocates for authenticity. Faulkner suggests that it is better to avoid prayer altogether, like Lena Grove, the happy pagan, than to be stunted by false prayer, like Hightower. To highlight these extremes, Faulkner fuses his novel with tensions between Judeo-Christianity and paganism, filling his charact ers with an urge to somehow find something permanent.       First, Joanna wrestles with her faith, but her shift toward prayer brings pride and prejudice. Faulkner's first mention of prayer in reference to Joanna actually comes through Joe: he observes her longing to meet God on her own terms and her struggle to do so: "She wants to prays, but she don't know how to do that either" (Faulkner 261). Faulkner inten... ...Black and White. New York: Twayne, 1992. Brooks, Cleanth. ‘Faulkner’s Vision of Good and Evil.’ Religious Perspectives in Faulkner’s Fiction. Ed. J. Robert Barth. Notre Dame: Notre Dame P, 1972. 57-87. Faulkner, William. Light in August. New York: Book of the Month Club, 1997. Fowler Doreen, Abadie Ann  Faulkner and Popular Culture. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1990. Kazin, Alfred. "The Stillness of Light in August". William Faulkner: Three Decades of Criticism. Eds. Frederick J. Hoffman and Olga W. Vickery. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1960. Porter, Carolyn. William Faulkner: Lives and Legacies. Oxford University Press. 2007. Print. Tuck, Dorothy. Crowell’s Handbook of Faulkner. New York; Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1964 Waggoner, Hyatt H. William Faulkner: From Jefferson to the World. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1966.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Stress Urinary Incontinence Jordin Lang West Coast University Urinary Incontinence is defined as leakage of urine that is involuntary. Stress Urinary Incontinence is involuntary urine leakage that is due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. It is most commonly found to be a greater problem in women. Estimates say that upwards of 35% of women 65 and older experience some form of urinary incontinence. Stress incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine that happens because of physical activity, like coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise. The strength of the pelvic floor muscles is inadequate to support the urinary tract under pressure. The anatomy of the urinary system involved in continence in women includes the bladder, urethra, pelvic floor muscles and sphincter. Urine is stored in the bladder which fills like a balloon to accommodate up to two cups of urine. When a woman urinates the muscles surrounding the bladder contract to squeeze the urine out. Pelvic floor muscles support the uterus, bladder and rectum. There are also many nerves some of which send the signal to the brain that one needs to urinate. What occurs with stress urinary incontinence is that the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles when weakened cannot support the closure of the urethra when increased pressure from the abdomen occurs. Such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. (â€Å"Medlineplus stress incontinence,†2011) Many women under the age of 65 develop issues with stress urinary incontinence following pregnancy and childbirth. Vaginal deliveries and episiotomies often result in stress urinary incontinence that is temporary and frequently clears up o its own within six weeks following delivery. In addition to pregnancy and childbirth some women may experience stress urinary incontinence during menopause. Estrogen keeps the lining of the bladder and pelvic floor plump and healthy, when estrogen decreases during menopause, some women may develop mild urinary incontinence a result. Risk factors for developing stress urinary incontinence include, being female, childbirth, increasing age, chronic coughing such as occurs with chronic bronchitis and asthma, multiple childbirths, obesity and smoking. (â€Å"Merkmanual: Polyuria,†2011) Diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence is made after assessment of symptoms and in some women a pelvic exam will reveal the bladder or urethra bulging into the vaginal space. Tests may possibly include cystoscopy (inspection of the interior of the bladder), a â€Å"pad test†, pelvic or abdominal ultrasound and tests to measure post-void residual (amount of urine left after urination). Urinalysis is usually performed as well in order to conclusively rule out urinary tract infection. Health care providers may also perform a q-tip test to measure the angling of the urinary tract when resting and under pressure. An angle of greater than 30 degrees suggests significant pelvic floor weakening. There are three major modes of treatment for stress urinary incontinence. The first is pelvic floor muscle training and behavioral changes such as smoking cessation, losing weight and abstaining from alcohol and excess caffeine. Medications such as anticholinergic drugs, antimuscarinic drugs that block bladder contractions, alpha adrenergic agonist drugs also have been known to aid in the tautness of the urinary sphincter muscles. Surgery is often only indicated after all other treatments have failed. Anterior vaginal repair and retropubic repair are most common surgeries to treat severe stress urinary incontinence. (â€Å"Medlineplus stress incontinence,†2011) Stress Urinary incontinence is surely a troublesome and perhaps embarrassing ailment. An ailment that can most definitely can interfere with a patient’s quality of life. With proper medical treatment, prognosis is generally good. References Medlineplus stress incontinence. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000891. htm Merkmanual: Polyuria. (2011). Retrieved from
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Erasmus vs Luther; Discourse on Free Will Essay
The Erasmus-Luther Discourse on Free Will begins with the Diatribe concerning free will, written by Erasmus. Luther then refutes Erasmus’ Diatribe with The Bondage of the Will. The question being debated is whether man is in control of his own will, or whether everything is preordained by God, thus leaving man without free will. Their diverging philosophies have been interpreted as being the basic difference between Catholic and Protestant positions regarding free will. This debate offers two very conflicting views, although both philosophies were basic principles in their respective religions. Erasmus builds his argument without a solid foundation; like building a house without a foundation, it can easily crumble. Thus, Luther convincingly attacks Erasmus’ Diatribe. Erasmus holds that man is left with the choice of doing either good or evil. It is man’s choice and therefore, free will exists. In the opinion of Erasmus, the freedom of the will in Holy Scriptures is as follows: if on the road to piety, one should continue eagerly to improve; if one has become involved in sin, one should make every effort to extricate oneself, and to solicit the mercy of the Lord. Two conclusions concerning Erasmus’ beliefs can be drawn from this statement; firstly that man can himself find repentance and secondly that God is infallible, meaning that a person engages in evil acts with his own will. The definition of free will given by Erasmus is â€Å"the power of the human will whereby man can apply to or turn away from that which leads unto eternal salvation.†While addressing the topic of Adam and Eve, Erasmus states, â€Å"In man, will was so good and so free that even without additional grace it could have remained in a state of innocence, though not without help of grace could it attain the blessedness of eternal life, as the Lord Jesus promised his people.†Erasmus, therefore, believes eternal salvation is attainable with the help and mercy of God, but Erasmus also believes that Adam and Eve caused man to have original sin. Erasmus goes on to write, â€Å"In those without extraordinary grace the reason is darkened, but not extinguished. Probably the same occurs to the power of the will: it is not completely extinct but unproductive of virtuous deeds.†In short Erasmus believed that man has free will and therefore is punished or rewarded according to the choices he makes. He backs his argument with many quotes from the scripture but so does Luther, thus the argument shifts, and the sense of scripture is the debate. Luther, who wrote The Bondage of the Will to refute what Erasmus had written in the Diatribe, disagrees; stating that man does not have freedom of the will. In the first few pages, Luther proclaims â€Å"The Holy Scripture is no skeptic, and what He has written into our hearts are no doubts or opinions, but assertions more certain and more firm that all human experience in life itself.†Furthermore, he goes on to say â€Å"The essence of Christianity which you (Erasmus) describe†¦is without Christ, without the Spirit, and chillier than ice†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Luther immediately implies that Erasmus has not been saved. Luther abhors those who claim to be self-reformers, once again contradicting Erasmus. â€Å"You say: Who will reform his life? I answer: Nobody! No man can! God has no time for you self-reformers, for they are all hypocrites. The elect who fear God will be reformed by the Holy Spirit.†Perhaps the quote that best exemplifies Luther’s position is as follows: Thus the human will is like the beast of burden. If God rides it, it wills and goes whence God wills; as the Psalm says, â€Å"I was a beast of burden before thee†(Psalm 72:22) If Satan rides, it wills and goes where Satan wills. Nor may it choose to which rider it will run, nor which it will seek. But the riders themselves contend who shall have and hold it.†This philosophy contends that both good and evil are worked by a higher being. Both authors in this work make reference to Judas and his betrayal of Christ. Both parties acknowledge the foreknowledge of God, but Luther proclaims that God willed it. Thus the Protestant faith grew on the principles of predestination and the absolute belief that the scriptures are to be interpreted literally. At no point does Luther ever stray from the central point of his refutation, proving Erasmus wrong by presenting the conclusive evidence needed. Erasmus, on the other hand, never really plants his feet in this argument. Erasmus covers his tracks by changing the terms of the debate throughout his work. For example, Erasmus fails to define the limits within which the reader should think that the will is being acted upon. One can not conclude that Erasmus does not fully believe what he states in his Diatribe, but he admittedly discloses â€Å"I have always preferred playing the freer field of the muses, than fighting ironclad in close combat.†Erasmus proclaims that their debate is in the sense of scripture, yet how can one who defends free will pigeonhole the interpretation of the reader? Luther is much more direct in laying out his arguments and criticizes Erasmus for stating a bare definition without explaining its parts. The debate has very much become a personal matter by the time Luther’s discourse commences. There is no mutual agreement whatsoever, thus it is easy to see why the views of Catholics and Protestants were so divergent. Erasmus is clearly trying to convince his readers, most particularly Luther, that free will does indeed exist. Luther continues to stay his course and states that God wills all. Everything is preordained, evil included. Of the assertions, Luther simply states â€Å"one must delight in assertions to be a Christian at all!†While Erasmus seems leery to take a firm stance in his debate, he is changing the circumstances of the debate, which clearly is an attempt to prevent Luther from pinning him down in Luther’s The Bondage of the Will. After thoroughly refuting everything Erasmus has stated, Luther proclaims that Erasmus has â€Å"asserted nothing but made comparisons†. Whether there be complete merit in either man’s philosophy, Luther h as quite convincingly made Erasmus’ position appear flawed.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Bending Lab Report Final Essays
Bending Lab Report Final Essays Bending Lab Report Final Paper Bending Lab Report Final Paper The second part of the lab will focus on using the ISM 04 Beam Apparatus to determine the deflection f point-loaded simply-supported beams made of steel, brass or aluminum. Using the deflection measurements, an examination of the relationship between deflection and material properties will be shown along with a comparison of the materials based on their strengths and deflections, both theoretical and experimental. The last objective of this laboratory is to verify the theory of pure bending using the SMASH Beam Apparatus. Introduction Engineers use beams to support loads over a span length. These beams are structural members that are only loaded non-axially causing them to be objected to bending. A piece is said to be in bending if the forces act on a piece of material in such a way that they tend to induce compressive stresses over one part of a cross section of the piece and tensile stresses over the remaining part (Ref. 1). This definition of bending is illustrated below in Figure 1. Figure 1 Bending on a Cross Section 5 It can be seen from Figure 1 that the compressive force, C, and the tensile force, T, acting on the member are equal in magnitude because of equilibrium. Therefore, the compressive force and the tensile force form a force couple whose moment is equal to either the tensile force multiplied by the moment arm or the compressive force multiplied by the moment arm. The moment arm is denoted, e, in Figure 1. Figure 2 Bending Action caused by Transverse Loads Figure 2, shown above, is an illustration of bending action in a beam acted upon by transverse loads. Bending may be accompanied by direct stress, transverse shear or torsions shear, however for convenience; bending stresses may be considered separately (Ref. 1). In order to separate the stresses it is assumed that the loads are applied in the following manner: loads act in a plane of symmetry, o twisting occurs, deflections are parallel to the plane of the loads, and no longitudinal forces are induced by the loads or by the supports (Ref. 1). A beam or part of a beam that is only acted on by the bending stresses is said to be in a condition of pure bending. However for many circumstances bending is accompany by transverse shear. The term flexure is used to refer to bending tests of beams subjected to transverse loading (Ref. ). A visual illustration of the transverse shear and bending moment can 6 be seen in the shear and bending moment diagrams of the beam. It is important o note that in a symmetrical 2-point loading scenario, the center portion of the beam will be in a condition of pure bending as such the bending stresses may be considered separately. Deflection of a beam is the displacement of a point on the neutral surface of a beam fr om its original position under the action of applied loads (Ref. 1). Before the proportional limit of the material, the deflection, A, can be calculated using the moment of inertia, modulus of elasticity along with other section properties that will depend on the given situation imposed on the beam. The position of the load, the type of load applied on the beam, and the Engel of beam are examples of section properties that depend on the situation. The deflection equations for two common cases are listed below in equations (1) and (2). Case 1: Center deflection of a simple beam with freely supported ends and concentrated load, P, at the mid-span (Ref. ). Equation (1) where: A = deflection, (mm) P = load, (N) L = length of beam, (mm) E = modulus of elasticity (N/mm) = moment of inertia of section about the neutral axis, (mm) 7 Case 2: Center deflection of a simple beam with concentrated loads, each equal to P, at third points of span (Ref. 1). Equation (2) P load, (N) moment of inertia of section about the neutral axis, (mm) Deflection is a measure of o verall stiffness of a given beam and can be seen to be a function of the stiffness of the material and proportions of the piece (Ref. 1). Deflection measurements give the engineer a way to calculate the modulus of elasticity for a material in flexure. The stiffness of a given material is calculated using the following equation: Equation (3) p = load, (N) Stiffness (N/m) 8 A beam may fail in any of the following ways: A beam may fail by yielding of extreme fibers, in long span beams compression fivers act like those of a column ND fail by buckling, in webbed members excessive shear stress may occur and stress concentrations may build up in parts of beam adjacent to bearing blocks (Ref. 1).
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Taking The SAT In 7th Grade Should You Do It
Taking The SAT In 7th Grade Should You Do It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Imagine: you’re in Social Studies. You hear a fellow 7th-grader sitting next to you say â€Å"Ugh, I have to take the SAT this weekend.†What is this person talking about? Why would you take the SAT in middle school? Is there even such a thing as a 7th grade SAT score? If you're a parent, you may have heard of various advanced programs for gifted and talented children that require taking the SAT. But is it worth it to have your child take the SAT so early? Why start the stress around college applications earlier than high school? In this article, I’ll go over the pros and cons of taking the SAT in 7th grade and the programs you can get into with high 7th grade SAT scores.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
FlyBe Strategy Assessment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
FlyBe Strategy Assessment - Case Study Example Flybe operate' out of more UK airport' than any other airline. Flybe ha' been a market leader in developing it' range of pa''enger 'ervice'.' Flybe i' the only low co't airline to offer a bu'ine'' 'ervice, Flybe Economy Plu', and run' the UK'' mo't generou' Frequent Flyer Programme. We were the fir't low co't airline to offer online check-in to pa''enger' carrying hand and hold baggage; and the fir't to introduce a pre-a''igned 'eating facility allowing pa''enger' to pre-book their 'eat'. FlyBe i' the large't low fare airline in Europe. Operating through it' carrier FlyBe, the company run' flight' to around 120 de'tination' acro'' Europe, including airport' in Denmark, Germany, Norway, and 'weden. For the fi'cal Year 2003, FlyBe recorded revenue' of e842.5 million; an increa'e of 35% over 2002. It ha' a fleet of approximately 45 Boeing 737' and tran'port' over fifteen million cu'tomer' a year. FlyBe i' headquartered in Dublin Ireland, and ha' a workforce of about 1900 employee'.(Datamonitor)1.2Background and Hi'toryFlyBe Began operation' in 1985 with the launch of a daily flight on a 15 'eater aircraft between Waterford air port in the 'outh e'at of Ireland and London the company' fir't year , with only 57employee', it carried ju't over 5000 pa''enger' in on it' one route. Over the next three Year' it expanded Rapidly opening Many new route' between Ireland and the UK, and increa'ed the number of jet' in it' fleet. However whil't cu'tomer' continued to fly FlyBe, for the low airfare' the co't were not controlled ,and the company continued to accumulate lo''e' . By 1989, the company employed 350 people, operated 15 aircraft and carried 600000 pa''enger' a year, but 'till recorded lo''e' of 20 million pound' in four year'.(Datamonitor)Under a new management team a major overhaul of the airline wa' undertaken in 1990/91, with FlyBe re-launched a' a low fare'-no frill' airline , adopting the formula pioneered by 'outhwe't Airline' in the U'. Non-profitable route' were eliminated, the network wa' cut back from 19 to ju't 5 route'. 'ome aircraft were di'po'ed of and airfare' acro'' the remaining network were 'ub'tantially reduced with 70% of all 'eat' offered at the two lowe't fare'. By 1991, FlyBe wa' operating a fleet of 'ix aircraft, employing 350 people, carrying 700 pa''enger' on ju't five route' , and it had recorded it' fir't ever profit. Over the next couple of year', 'chedule' on the key Dublin-London route wrew increa'ed average air fare' were lowered and new route' were launched from Dublin to Birmingham, Gla'gow, Manche'ter, and Gatwick. The number of cu'tomer' continued to grow, thank' largely to FlyBe'' low fare'. By 1994,FlyBe employed over 500 people and carried 1.5 million pa''enger' per annum. In 2002, the company 'igned the large't ever order with Boeing for 100 next generation 737-800 aircrafgt with option' to buy up to a further 50 aircraft to be deliverd over the next 'even year' . it 'ucce''fully launched 22 new route' and opened two new continental
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Euglena Gracilis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Euglena Gracilis - Essay Example Euglena Gracilis, the name comes from the Greek words eus and glne, i.e. good eyeball, which refers to the light-sensitive eyespot. Euglena gracilis uses its eyespot to locate light. This is a minute single-celled nutrient-rich freshwater organism of the genus Euglena, having the presence of chlorophyll, a reddish eyespot, and a single anterior flagellum. Euglena gracilis is just one of the many species of Euglena. Euglenas have spindle-shaped bodies, ranging in size from 1/1000 to 1/100 of an inch (0.025 to 0.254 millimeter) long. Most of the species are green in colour as they contain chlorophyll. Euglena produce food through photosynthesis for themselves, and also serve as primary producers for aquatic ecosystems. Some of the species also eat tiny particles of living matter. Euglena are interesting because they are a sort of combination of plant and animal. One the one hand they can make their own food like a plant, but they can also eat other things, like an animal. They can also swim and move. Scientists argued for years about which Kingdom to put them in, Animal or Plant Right now they are in neither; most scientists put them in the Protist Kingdom with other microscopic organisms, such as amoeba and paramecium. Three membranes surround the complex chloroplasts of Euglena. This is unlike chloroplasts of higher plants and most green algae, which are surrounded by two membranes. The additional membranes present a barrier to the import of chloroplast precursor proteins. Traditionally, the genus Euglena has been divided into several groups or subgenera depending mainly on morphological features of the chloroplast and paramylon and on cell rigidity. Euglena Gracilis also has a flagellum, a long hair-like thing, which is used by Euglena to swim. In this experiment we studied the growth of Euglena over a three week period. We took three jars and put the Euglena in each of them. We put rice in one jar and kept it in the dark. So this Euglena got its nutrients solely from the rice. Euglena in another jar was placed in the light with no rice, and this Euglena got its nutrients solely from the light. In the third jar we put rice and also placed this one in the light, so that this Euglena could get nutrients from both light and rice. Each week we checked on the Euglena jars to see which had the greatest exponential growth; From the experiment, we found that the Euglena in the light only did the best (results are summarized in table-1). Table-1: Growth pattern of Euglena over a three week period Jar-1 Euglena with Rice only (growth-cells per field) Jar-2 Euglena with Light only (growth-cells per field) Jar-3 Euglena with Rice and Light (growth-cells per field) Week-1 28 20 40 Week-2 22 31 35 Week-3 24 44 21 Conclusion It is amply clear that Euglena gracilis do behave like plants as well as animals, because when Euglena gracilis doesn't have enough light to make its own food, it looks for other things to eat. In this case rice supported the growth of Euglena. References: 1. Euglena, available online at (Oct 24, 2006). 2. Woongghi Shin and Richard E. Triemer, "Phylogenetic analysis of the genus euglena (euglenophyceae) with particular reference to the type species euglena viridis", 759-770, available online
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Global and Corporate Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global and Corporate Strategies - Essay Example These are intended strategies which the management effects though intense, circumspect, deliberate planning, organising and executing, after considering all aspects and after giving these strategies a careful and through study. These strategies are well intentioned and management are well aware, from the initial stages itself, about the objectives these strategies would realise. However, emergent strategies are the realised strategies or the result of completed actions. While deliberate strategies are deliberate and planned, emergent strategies may be accidental and may not be really planned or deliberated. In real terms, deliberateness is the result of planned, well thought out, formulated, deigned, strategised and conceived strategies, while emergence may be in terms of innovative, accidental, spontaneous, instinctive and intuitive planning. In certain cases, management needs to take an immediate and critical decision, regarding clinching a competitive bid, or buying of a new unit. In such cases, strategic planning may not work and it would be necessary to rely on intuition, or instinctive nature of the decision maker. It may be proved correct or wrong at a later stage, or carried out "with practical and ethical difficulties." (Macrae 1998). But the fact remains that it is a spur-of -the movement decision and not one arrived after long, deliberate, and planned sessions. This is because "all corporations experience problems in implementing and using a formal planning system." (Henry 1977, p.40-45). Explanation of both strategies - deliberateness and emergence: Planning is a key aspect in deliberateness. Without planning, the question of strategising does not arise. In order to enforce deliberateness, strategies need to imbue it with time, efforts and mental thoughts. All relevant information are put into the decision theory, the options are weighed and assessed, different alternatives courses are considered, extensive analysis of the situation are considered, and then final deliberativeness are made. Therefore, it could be said that rigidity and lack of flexibility could be a main criteria in deliberateness" that might effectively narrow the gap between what-is and what-ought-to-be." (Eppel). Once strategic plans are drafted and finalised, the options for changes or modifications are minimal. Therefore, it would not be wrong to assume that bureaucratic elements are very much present in deliberateness since the laid out systems are to be maintained and followed. Thus a manager becomes restrained and restricted in his functioning, under the deliberateness strategy, since he has to follow the stipulated guidelines in totality, and flexibility, or innovative thinking may not be possible. However, emergent strategies are highly flexible and accommodating. In the case of any disruption or unthought-of threat, the deliberate strategy may be rendered ineffective, or unusable. Under such circumstances, emergent strategies seek to offer alternative solutions, in terms of unplanned, innovative perceptions that may be able to control the situation effectively and find a viable solution. This is
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Influence of the Media on Society
Influence of the Media on Society CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. THE AUDIENCE 3. THEORIES AND IDEAS BEHIND PERSUASIVE STRATEGIES. 4. CONCLUSION 5. REFERENCES 1.0 INTRODUCTION We live in a world where the media dictates the way we dress, look and behave. Our society is becoming more and more materialistic, where we desire goods, products and spend money on items that are unnecessary. The media portrays the celebrity lifestyle as the ideal way of living and distributes masses of magazines that contain:- Celebrity gossip Dress sense Interfere into their personal life. Emphasise less glamorous pictures of them. Weight loss/gain. Display images of perfect celebrity bodies. Magazines such as Heat and Vibe target the young female population who are very impressionable and encourage the onset of anorexia and other eating disorders. Such media information results in the readers feeling less confident, experiencing body dismorphia and believing that coming out in spots etc is unnatural, (Vincent, 2001). The youth today are trapped in a society greatly influenced by media and are unable to distinguish between reality and normality exposed by media components. Media constantly reminds society of human perfection seen in celebrities, which can be perceived on billboards, magazines, TV and on the net. The society is becoming obsessed with image and particularly weight; we can view reality shows for weight loss and plastic surgery, which are components that further corrupt the minds of young adolescents, (Sproule, 1997). The mass media has now become a form of communication between cultures, global locations and most importantly as a means of advertising products and services that companies offer. The prominent expansion of globalisation has helped communication process between countries all over the world, where barriers such as language and cultural differences have been overcome or accommodated for. The role the mass media plays in our society is phenomenal, media communication components have expanded as technology has advanced, if we refer to electronic media and the accessibility of global news with the click of a button. Media is continuously making the society believe that luxury items are necessities, it should be highlighted that media shapes the society to such an extent, that individual opinions are also affected so that they are in agreement with the mass media, (Robbins, 1999). The major concerns in society are weight conscious young females and children who are being bullied, however the media does not facilitate enough for such important issues, instead we are in constant reminder of problems celebrities face and other unnecessary information. 2.0 THE AUDIENCE Society has not acknowledged the full potential or power of mass media. Society’s mind has changed considerably where industries/companies cannot rely on customer loyalty, as the competition between multinational companies is too big. The most powerful tool is the mass media that are paid large sums of money by industries and companies to capture the attention of potential or existing customers. For example if we consider the battle of Coca Cola and Pepsi, which has been going for years; Pepsi have employed a different approach by using popular celebrities to appear on their adverts and also used sport to make drinking Pepsi more â€Å"trendy†. It should be mentioned that mainstream media is driven by many market forces. For many companies such as the newspaper industry, the product (information provided) is regarded as the audience and the customers considered as the corporate advertisers (Chomsky, 1997). Many may be in disagreement with Chomsky’s statement, because it is not a normal manner of perceiving such customer and product relations. It would appear normal to consider the newspaper as the product and customer as the audience. The newspaper example can be generalised to assess the information and the reasons behind purchasing the magazines with celebrity and soap information. However if we analyse the scenario, where customers/readers conform to a demography where valuable information interpreted will be passed onto other members of society, and depending on the interest of subject topic will encourage the purchase of the paper. If this is true then the customer who has purchased the paper, has advertised what he/she has learnt/read. We refer to the paper as the audience; primarily it is the product that attracts the customers, hence the advertisers bring income to companies, (Vincent, 2001). The media has portrayed the need of knowing about celebrity lifestyle a necessity and has made society more addicted to TV programmes by providing future storylines in magazines or newspapers. In conclusion to Chomsky’s theory, the audience is also the consumer. The audience demographics are essential for media industries, where we should be aware that the content of media invasion/persuasion in our society is not as important as the target audience. It is a misconception to believe the notion of satisfying the customer, because in reality industries target audiences who able to afford the products on offer and in advertisements. Bagdikian (2000) proposed that magazine advertising has a major impact on society’s conception of products and views of global issues. Bagdikian believes that impact of magazine influence and advertising reached a stage where editors chose articles containing adverts, which were thought to have the most influential impact on the readers as apposed to the article content itself. 3.0 THEORIES AND IDEAS BEHIND PERSUASIVE STRATEGIES The communication used by the mass media includes predominantly TV, magazines and books. Such mediated messages are perceived as packaged commodities and perceived or presented in such a form that the target audience is forced to return to these goods and services, (Jankiewicz, 2004). Society and media influence has come so far along that separation of thoughts, opinions and way of living in the world today is impossible. When we refer to the media, we automatically assume that their advertising techniques are blatant and visible to us. However the mass/mainstream media disguises many adverts in the form of news and advertorials (which may be critical analysis of current issues). The characteristics of the mass media can be summarised, as presented (Sproule, 1997):- 1. Audience remains unknown to the source. 2. Message is transferred through so many media channels which are technological and involve a lot of time and effort. This insinuates that immediate feedback is not available. 3. The source is most probably a complex organisation that decides when and where a particular product should be available in the market. The major issues faced by the mass media are propaganda and the impact of globalisation especially where cultural differences are less and less detectable and we are dominated by â€Å"Americanism†. The domination of the mass media in the society is successful because the means of persuasion that are employed to attract target audiences, (Prestage, 2002). The term persuasion refers to a method/process by which we influence the behaviour, physical or mental status of others by influencing them to adopt a particular manner or perception that is in agreement to ours. The persuasiveness of the mass media constitutes of two key points, which are the Direct-Effects Perspective and the Limited effects Perspective. The Direct-Effects Perspective assumes that media has direct effects on the audience and can be explained if the message-model (refer to Figure 1.1) is acknowledged as well as the cultivation theory. The Limited-Effects Perspective proposes that we are selective to media coverage and information. It postulates that we ignore messages that do not accommodate/suit individual needs and remain in focus of reality, which can be explained better using the cultural studies theory, (Underwood, 2005). The two-step flow model (message-model) was introduced by Katz and Lazarsfield in the 1940’s when they researched into the effects of political mass communication. Many valuable theories and conclusions were found by the researchers, one important aspect highlighted in their investigation was the change in votes (5% of sample group) as a result of media exposure. Their findings helped coin the term Limited Effects Paradigm of media influence. The general idea behind the two-step flow model is that opinion leaders play a vital role in the portrayal of media messages. Their theory is based on some assumptions deduced from their investigated, and are summarised below, (Chomsky, 1997):- There are limitations to effects of media messages which may be influenced by interpersonal relational and group membership. Misconception of the term â€Å"mass audience†as this instigates that all have equal say and input into the effects experienced through media influences. However it is clear that some individuals play a more active role than others where others simply conform. Opinion leaders in the â€Å"mass audience†are in constant interaction with the mass media and regard their selves as highly influential to others (refer to Figure 1.1). The Cultivation Theory developed by Professor George Gerbner during the 1960’s, when he began his investigation into the effects of TV on viewers in relation to their perception of everyday life. Many theorists believe that TV has long term effects and cultivates our attitudes to normality, (Vincent, 2001). The Cultivation Theory can be interpreted in two components, which are the first and second order effects. The first order effects refer to the beliefs that may emerge towards prevalence of violence and the second order effects may have developed in having particular attitudes where you may be conscious about personal welfare. Much cultivation research investigates the viewers’ perception of TV reality in comparison to reality of our society, (Chandler, 1995). Professor Gerbner proposed that TV dominates our symbolic environment, where TV can be perceived as a more attractive or realistic world to viewers. He also suggested that the exaggeration of violence on screen provides mixed messages to viewers; the younger audience are most likely to be affected, (Robbins, 1999). Professor Gerbner summarised the theory by postulating that if a viewers surrounding is similar to that shown on TV, then the effects of cultivation are the greatest. The Rhetoric Theory is based on three important aspects, which are:- Logical Emotional Ethical The Rhetoric Theory is mainly concerned with the available means of persuasion; it is regarded as using symbols to produce effects and involves use of either language or symbols. Advertisements come in so many forms, where the motive of the advert or message influences the form of persuasion. Sometimes images/symbolism such as logos is more appealing than literature, (Prestage, 2002). In conclusion to this section, it can be said that there are many theories of media persuasion towards target audiences, a few common theories have been mentioned to give the reader a broader thought process towards media domination, which is continually growing in our society. 4.0 CONCLUSION Media influences our society to such an extent that many have become obsessed with image, luxury items and especially weight. The media persuasive strategies have become stronger and stronger and more widely available which a result of globalisation. We live in a world where we are constantly exposed to the mass media and cannot help but become influenced by products and services that are unnecessary and become lost in the media reality and the reality of our society. Although there are many theories that try and explain the persuasive strategies of media domination and techniques employed to target certain groups. As with all theories, the hypotheses mentioned in the previous section are not without criticism; however they provide a more in depth insight into the media components and how literature such as that found in magazines in very influential. Magazines are convenient on long journeys and celebrity gossip and detail makes it very appealing especially to the young female population. The mass media does not realise the negative effects publicity of weight concern has on young impressionable adolescents, who may portray media images as a normal perception. REFERENCES Bagdikian, B., H. (2000). The Media Monopoly (6th edition). Beacon Press, 2000. Chandler, D. (1995). Cultivation Theory. Accessed online, URL: http://www.CultivationTheory.htm Chomsky, N. (1997). What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream. Z Magazine. Jankiewicz, H (2004). The Concepts of Rhetoric. Accessed online, URL: http://www.RhetoricTheory.htm Prestage, J. (2002). Mainstream Journalism: Shredding the First Amendment. Online Journal, URL: Robbins, R. (1999). Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism. Allyn and Bacon 1999. Sproule, J.M. (1997). Propaganda and Democracy: The American Experience of Media and Mass Persuasion. New York: Cambridge University Press. Vincent, R., C. (2001). Transnational Media and the Survival of Democracy. Department of Communication. Accessed online [google], URL: http://www.communication.indstate.ed/transnational_media.html Underwood, M. (2005). Katz and Lazarsfield: Two Step Model. Accessed online [google].
Friday, October 25, 2019
Destructive Love in Toni Morrisons Song of Solomon Essay examples --
Destructive Love in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon When an emotion is believed to embody all that brings bliss, serenity, effervescence, and even benevolence, although one may believe its encompassing nature to allow for generalizations and existence virtually everywhere, surprisingly, directly outside the area love covers lies the very antithesis of love: hate, which in all its forms, has the potential to bring pain and destruction. Is it not for this very reason, this confusion, that suicide bombings and other acts of violence and devastation are committedÂ…in the name of love? In Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, the reader experiences this tenuity that is the line separating love and hate in many different forms and on many different levelsÂâ€"to the extent that the line between the two begins to blur and become indistinguishable. Seen through Ruth's incestuous love, Milkman and Hagar's relationship, and Guitar's love for African-Americans, if love causes destruction, that emotion is not true love; in essence, such destructiv e qualities of "love" only transpire when the illusion of love is discovered and reality characterizes the emotion to be a parasite of love, such as obsession or infatuation, something that resembles love but merely inflicts pain on the lover. As her "daddy's daughter", there is little doubt that a form of love exists between Ruth Dead and Dr. Foster; however, such love is not truly love because as evidenced by Ruth's subsequent life, the filial relationship better resembles an emotional dependence that Ruth took for granted (67). The great emotional schism within her that is the result of her father's death leaves Ruth dysfunctional: she is unable to emote towards other, especially her family. Instead, ... ... Sunday man. He has instead become his cause, and the person behind that cause has been lost. In Song of Solomon, through many different types of love, Ââ€"Ruth's incestuous love, Milkman and Hagar's romantic love, and Guitar's love for his race, Ââ€"Toni Morrison demonstrates not only the readiness with which love will turn into a devastating and destructive force, but also the immediacy with which it will do so. Morrison tackles the amorphous and resilient human emotion of love not to glorify the joyous feelings it can effect but to warn readers of love's volatile nature. Simultaneously, however, she gives the reader a clear sense of what love is not. Morrison explicitly states that true love is not destructive. In essence, she illustrates that if "love" is destructive, it is most likely, a mutation of love, something impure, because love is all that is pure and true.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Police Brutality
Over the recent years, police have been one of the organizations to be associated with the largest cases of misconduct. Police brutality can be termed as the process of misuse and abuse of authority by the police. The rising cases of police brutality are causing more harm to the public, compared to the actions perpetrated by real criminals. Although police claim that It's sometimes necessary to curb crime, the process Is Illegal and police officers should be charged Just like any other criminal offender.It should be the responsibility of the Justice system to establish effective tragedies to deal with the rising Illegal satellites In order to restore public trust In the law enforcement authorities. The police, the group with the responsibility of protecting citizens, commit Illegal satellites. Individuals engaged In law enforcement satellites can define police brutality as the process of using excessive force.In addition to the abuse of power by the police force, the term is also use d to illustrate the misuse of power by individuals in the municipal, correctional facilities and other facilities subjected to reforming and retaining criminals. In a case reported in the ear 2011, SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) team, killed a 31 year old man in a mistaken identity (Roberts 1). It is evident that several law enforcement individuals have been conducting careless investigations.It is evident that these cases are rarely reported either because the victims are uninformed of their rights, or the victim is afraid that same police who committed the misconduct in the first place will also be involved in investigating the abuse cases. By the year 2011, there were over 470, 000 reported cases of police brutality, that could be easily located on the internet Roberts 1 Although people are gradually being encouraged to report abuse cases, the numbers have not decreased.Compared to the level of crime and the reported criminal activities, it shows that the public is usually at risk of being attacked by a police officer than a real criminal Monsoon 365). This means that police are becoming some of the individuals highly involved in criminal activities. Various Forms of Police Brutality The longstanding perception is that police brutality Involves only physical assaults. However, the term can also mean psychological assault, abuse and other forms of issue of power.Some of the remarkable forms of police brutality Involve false arrests and accusing the wrong person. In Dalton, Intimidation and police profiling can also be considered police brutality, since It Involves Intrusion Into the rights and the property of Individuals. Physical brutality Is one of the most widespread, and In most cases, Individuals are subjected to torture and other physical harm. Ordinarily, people do not consider the various harsh treatments, being hit with police batons and being pressed by the police shield as part of police brutality.In most cases, people sustain very bad injurie s from some activities of the police. Psychological brutality is mostly brought about by verbal abuses and subjecting the public to inappropriate conditions. Psychological intimidation may also occur in situations where the police are holding a suspect and they subject him or her to threats on temporary psychological breakdown. In most cases, the reported cases are only those involving physical assaults, mostly because there is usually enough evidence to charge the involved personnel.Causes of brutality One of the main causes of police brutality is the authority vested in the police officers y their superiors, to ensure that law is enforced when necessary. When police officers are given the option to chose when to, and when not to, use excessive force, they end up abusing the power of choice by making the wrong decisions even when dealing with petty crimes. In addition, police may gradually develop some dislike for lawbreakers, especially in situations where the surroundings are ful l of criminals.Police officers in a crime prone region and in areas with extreme rowdy criminal behavior may develop some degree of dislike for the law breakers and their approach to dealing with the criminals may be brutal. In such situations, the police officers enforcing law and order act based on their emotions rather than their professional expectations. The gradual dislike leads the police officers to always contemplate on ending the rising crime and in the end; they find themselves using excessive force, even in situations where force was not needed.The SWAT team is one response unit that is trained and psychologically prepared to deal with tough and resisting criminals. In addition, the response team is issued with specific orders to use excessive force when necessary; especially if they note that, the criminals are ungenerous and may harm others. The above reasons police have also been known to use excessive force is because they think that they are above the law. Due to th e power vested in the police to deal with all types of crimes and to carry weapons, they soon develop the notion that they are above the law and end up misusing their powers instead of protecting the public.In addition to the feeling of being above the law, there are no practical and effective internal accountability mechanisms to regulate the excessive use of force by the police officers. Many police officers take advantage of the fact that many member of the public are uninformed of their rights and they therefore subject themselves to harm, on the basis that they are above the law. Lack of internal investigation procedures, especially due to solidarity, makes the police force lack effective internal investigative structures to check the misuse of powers by the police officers.In most cases, police may feel mandated by the blue codes to protect fellow police officers in case they are involved in criminal activities (Isoclinic 7). Blue codes is a code of silence amongst police offi cers. In such instances, the criminal is always perceived to be wrong and any action taken by the police is justified based on the existing police cultures. In most cases, police departments are established under tight and strong hierarchical models that make it hard to implement ethical decision processes (Owens and Prefer 7).This means that the decisions to engage, or not to engage, in brutal activities when dealing with the public are not clear, In addition to the faults in the system, the other issues that lead to police brutality may include psychological and behavioral backgrounds of the law enforcement officers. In most cases, police are left to deal with criminals, while still suffering from psychological and sociological disengagement. Some of the reasons committed. In addition, some officers claim that they act under authority of the senior police officers.Although these reasons can be possible, they do not Justify the actions on the public, who trust the police officers f or protection. Civil rights Some of the legislations protecting the public against police brutality include the Fourth Amendment that protects citizens against unwarranted searches and seizures ND if an individual feels that the rights have been violated, they should immediately report to the relevant authorities. In addition to the fourth amendment, the Civil Rights Act 1871 protects the public from being harassed or mistreated in anyway whatsoever by the police.The law, which was enacted to protect the minority groups fighting for their rights, however exempts the public from making claims on brutality in section 42 of the 1983, edition (Civil Rights Division 1). The other legislation protecting the public against police brutality is the fourteenth amendment that establishes equality irrespective of responsibility vested by the law. Citizens have the right to have a fair trial and the police should not take it upon themselves to pass judgment and incriminate a suspect without goin g through the appropriate Justice process.The above legislations protect the public from police brutality by stating the rights of an individual, even when they perpetrate a crime. In case an individual is armed, it should be the responsibility of the police officer to disarm the criminal with minimal possible injury. This civil rights establish the boundaries and ensures that Alice act within their vested powers. In case of any brutality, individuals are encouraged to report the incident like any other crime in order to get the required support.Solutions to police brutality One of the groups that have come forth to protect the public against police brutality is the Amnesty International. This organization has been vibrant in identifying the rampant cases and in pressuring the government to establish internal strategies to deal with the ever-rising police brutality. The organization also identifies and releases reports indicating the prevailing police brutality in different regions. The external agencies notwithstanding, it should be the responsibility of each member of the public to ensure that they understand their rights and to report abuse cases as soon as they occur.In addition, the societal based cop-watch group should also ensure that the crimes are reported and conduct a follow up on the reported cases to ensure that Justice is served. The police departments should also establish flexible and effective accountability strategies that incriminates any police officers abusing power, and ethical guidelines should be enacted to prevent the police officers from purporting their own based on the existing cultures (Civil Rights Division 1). The justice system should also be strengthened to ensure that police law breakers are not left unpunished.The investigators of police brutality should be from independent bodies to avoid biasness during investigations. Since it has been a common trend for police officers to support their fellow officers over the criminals, the Justice system should set up an independent body to evaluate the operations of required. The government should also start an awareness campaign to educate the public about their rights and to explain about the appropriate channels for airing grievances associated with police brutality. Police Brutality ?Lucy Sanchez English 1302 Mr. Gonzalez 8 April 2009 Police Brutality Draft Who can forget the Los Angeles riots and the Rodney King beating in 1991? This case of police brutality was the most widely known. Over the years, it seems that police abuse remains one of the most serious human rights violations in the United States. It makes the people wonder if in fact police officers are doing their job and if they are here to protect us. Police officers get away with unjustified shootings, fatal choking, rough treatments, and severe beatings. Police brutality needs to be addressed and there has to be harsher punishment to minimize the amount of police brutality that happens. A punishment that they can receive for their brutality is harsher sentencing and job dismissals. If such a case should go to court the judge and jurors should sentence the police officer. If the case was minor then the chief of police or someone in charge. There is not a day that goes by that somewhere in the United States that an innocent civilian gets beaten from a police officer for no apparent reason. Sometimes the reason is because a police officer is racist. Racism, discrimination, and police brutality all go hand in hand because police officers usually do not go around beating civilians up for no reason. Usually the motive is because they are racist. The most major race that was affected by police brutality seems to be Caucasian people but according to the â€Å"NAACP, they say that between 1976 and 1987, officers killed about 1,800 blacks and 3,000 whites. Since blacks comprise approximately 12% of the general population, the data suggest that blacks are about three times more likely to be killed by officers than whites†. These appalling numbers are probably on the rise. It seems that there is no escape for police brutality because it can happen to anyone not just African Americans or Caucasians. Although, mostly Africans Americans are targeted it can happen to any other race. Police officers feel because they are the law they can do whatever they please. They feel that they are above the law. My father, who is now deceased, was a victim of police brutality. It was about eight years ago when the Garden Grove police department of California barged in my dad’s apartment around three in the morning with a warrant. The first thing I remember was when he was slightly beaten with their hands to arrest him. My younger brother and I were watching the whole thing and the police new we were there. So how could they even think about doing this in front of us? I asked my father when I visited him in jail,†Why do cops treat people this way? †He simply said,’’ they think they are above the law and they have no respect for Mexicans†. (Ruben Paz). When he told me this I never liked police officers no matter who they were. I hated them with a passion. I assumed they were racist. This kind of police brutality may not have been that severe but the case with Rodney King it was without a doubt. One reason that this incident of police brutality is so famous is because it was captured on tape. Watching this tape may be hard to watch because it is obviously seen that Rodney is defenseless and has no weapon, yet he is surrounded by six or seven police officers that are beating him to death with their nightsticks. Many agree that this was no regular traffic stop. The police officers that took part in this brutality at first were not punished at all. That is what caused the riots because people were very angry that those police officers could get away with such a crime, especially because it was caught on videotape. Later, according to Los Angeles Times, after taking a second look at the tape, two officers were sentenced to prison for violating Rodney King’s rights. The aftermath of this videotape was that people were not safe. African Americans were afraid of police officers and knew they were a target every time. While driving, walking, or even standing on a corner they are a target no matter where they go. When a victim has evidence that a police officer had assaulted or beat them in some way, that is proof and all they need to convict the police officer. In many cases, when this is brought to court or police department the punishment they give the police officers for their brutality is verbal reprimands, reprimand letters, suspensions, or dismissals. These punishments should be harder depending on the severity of the case. For example, according to facts. com, a police officer was not charged for the brutality he caused on an innocent civilian. His only punishment was a couple days suspension and he was back to work. Many police officers get this type if treatment. It is rare that an actual police officer gets convicted and sentenced to jail. Police officers should serve time behind bars to teach them a lesson. They should be treated just like the rest of the civilians. One right punishment an officer received for his brutality is eighteen months in jail and three years of probation. Michael Singleton, which was a police officer for Maywood police Department in California, rammed a civilian’s head against a wall. The victim Jose Bernal was knocked unconscious, his nose was broken, and suffered temporary paralysis to one side of his face (Los Angeles Times). This type of punishment that Michael Singleton received is very rare because he was actually convicted. After so many cases reported of police brutality many cannot beat he system. Because police officers are above us in law we cannot win. We can if we have hard evidence o them, but sometimes even that cannot help us because of the corruption inside police departments. In order to decrease the amount of brutalities we have to first define the barriers of what is brutality and what is their job as police officers. Another way can result in more constant training and better use of force training and policies. When people are in trouble and the only number they can call for help is 911 we sometimes think about it twice before we call. How can we be afraid to even call the police department? Has it in fact changed the way we think about police officers? They are supposedly here to serve and protect but how can we believe that when they are committing crimes themselves? Police brutality is no joke. One question I have been asking myself for a very long time is, â€Å"Who can police the police? †it may not make sense but to me it does. How can they be trusted when they are the law? They should not be above it but they act as if they are. Of course not all police officers are bad. Some are police officers because they are here to serve and protect those that cannot protect themselves. It is safe to say that there are some good cops but more sure that there are more bad cops. It is a sad thing but only my opinion based on the experiences I have encountered with them. In the past I used to hate cops but I learned to know that some could be trusted. Even though, police brutality will never stop and that is a known fact, I will always keep my guard up. Works Cited Los Angeles Times. 18 October 2008.. â€Å"Police Brutality. † Issues & Controversies On File  3 Oct. 2003. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services. 9 Apr. 2009  . â€Å"Police Corruption. † Issues & Controversies On File  30 Apr. 2004. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services. 7 Apr. 2009  . Rodney King. 2007. video. 12 April 2009. .
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